Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Setting out on this Journey..

I've finally become serious about pursuing my MBA degree. I've been procrastinating for the last year or so but I've finally made a decision.
I prepared for my GMAT for the last two months and I'm finally done with it (next post will be on my GMAT experience). That's the first hurdle crossed and I've decided to start blogging about my journey to an MBA degree.

First, here's my profile:
Years of Experience: 3+ (Worked in India for 2 years and then took up an offer to work in the US for the same company)
Profession: Engineer at a Systems Company (I've been with this company since I graduated)
* Undergraduate: Computer Engineering at an IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) (my GPA is average at best).
* I've started to take weekend MBA classes and plan to complete a Certificate Program in Business Administration before I apply for my MBA.
Extra Curricular Activities:
* I was involved in a few activities in college - Music and Dramatics Society, organizer for a few Technical events, etc
* At work I'm involved with some volunteer activities and organizing some technical events.

Next, the reasons I decided to pursue an MBA:
* Career Change: Engineering is fine for now, but I don't see myself doing this in the long run.
* More Opportunities: The developing world is where the action will be in the for seeable future. I could go back home and work in a technical field but an MBA would allow me to rise up the hierarchy faster and give me a better understanding of the processes involved in running an organization. It will also allow me to work in more places and industries than a technical degree alone will.
* My eventual end goal is to start a tech entreprise. The current trend of IT enabled services will not benefit the country in the long run. To really make a difference we need more technology product companies and not just in the software field.
* Personal Reasons: The US is a nice place to live, but I don't see myself living here in the long run. I have responsibilities to my family and an MBA would give me more choices.

I will be applying for Fall 2009. I haven't decided on schools, geographies, whom to take recommendation letters from etc. I'm still working these out. All I have is my GMAT score and my decision to apply for my MBA. Stay Tuned.

"When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into this strong current that will carry him to places he never dreamed of when he first made the decision"
-- Paulo Coelho's "The Alchemist".

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