Sunday, July 13, 2008

The issue with the F1 visa

I'm in a strange predicament about immigration status. Apparently a lot of people are in the same position:

Many of us in the US have applied for the green card and are in the queue waiting. The GC queue for India and China is very long and it doesn't look like it till get cleared up anytime soon. There are people like me who are willing to forgoe the GC process to attend business school. Unfortunately, the F-1 visa which is required to attend school in the US requires applicants to prove that they have no intent to immigrate. Since we've already applied for the green card, its impossible to prove this even if we abandon the GC process. 

I was thrown off balance for some time because of this. I just needed a change of strategy to get me back on track. I've decided to apply to schools in India and Europe and not to the US schools. I spent a lot of time thinking about this and I've realized that this is a good thing for me since I want to move back to India sometime. 

If there is a change in the immigration policy after the elections next year, I can wait a year or two before going off to business school. If not, and I get admitted to school this year, I'll start my MBA.

More on my school selections in the next post.